Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Out Catching Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass

I am sorry that I have taken off so much time from blogging, but that bass fever just really hit me. I am back again trying to get back on track.

I just pulled a good 15 incher out of the river a few days ago; it was a smallmouth bass. The bass struck at a good ole fashion earthworm. Sometimes the old ways work well too.

The bass was in a slow area in the middle of the river. I believe that there is a ridge below creating some structure. It was hanging out there just waiting for it's nighttime snack just after sunset.

I have been trying out some of the fantastic tips in this program to educate myself more. I open the programs up to get new ideas in the really hot parts of the day when I want to cool down. I am checking into whether it all makes sense and really works before I mention which program it is. I want you to get your best value.

....See you on the river

I will let you know how it is very soon.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Learning About Bass and Salmon Fly Fishing in Maine, NH, MA and Québec

This past Thursday, Jan. 28th, wound up the last of the January fishing series at the Nashua Public Library. This is the 19th year they have had this series.

The evening began with a fantastic refresher on boat safety via a video.

A member of the New England Fly casters, Seth Harris, shared his favorite salmon rivers in Québec. I found him to be most informative when he explained how Québec goes about distributing their licenses – very complicated. He was very helpful by passing out literature from Québec of maps and brochures.

Another couple members of the NE fly casters, Brenda and Ray Phillipon, double teamed their presentation on fly fishing for bass. They discussed their time spent up in Maine at the South Branch Lake Camps and how they proceeded to convert many of the fishermen up there into future fly fishing just by letting them see the pictures of their daily ‘creel’ since it was all catch and release. Brenda and Ray filled everyone in on some of the local ponds and rivers where they find fishing to be good.

Every Thursday different folks or organizations had information at tables on the way into the theatre. The last couple of nights I chatted with the guys from New Hampshire Bass Busters, Inc.

Upon entry each of the 4 nights you received a raffle ticket for the last night when they drew 8 numbers for 8 give-a-ways.

On each Thursday night of this fishing series, you received a ticket for a raffle that was held on the last night. There were eight raffle prizes; I wish I knew who to give credit for these prizes, but right now I don’t know. If I find out I will give them credit.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Either grab this video or watch it on WFN [The World Fishing Network]: Kayak Fishing GameOn. It got me over my fear of being pulled out to sea by a BIG fish. I should be so lucky! Jim Sammons basically started the new craze of kayak fishing (as opposed to that by the Inuits). There’s great information amongst all the action-packed video. I saw this one this past Thursday at the Nashua Public Library fishing series.

James Waldron also presented his documentary The Reel People of Plum Island. I felt like I was right there talking with the folks that fish around Newburyport. Discover the when and why of how Surfland started. Why do people fish that area so much? What is it about huge stripe bass these folks just love?Very interesting!

Capt. Skip Montello, who has a charter fishing boat business, was there Thursday night too. The Nashua Public Library’s Image Gallery has an exhibition of his photographs - astounding color. Some amazing wave action. See his photos at the library into February.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I found out that the Nashua NH Public Library has a lecture program going on throughout the month of January. I signed up. The night starts off with a video of a subject. Last night's had to be changed to 60 fishing tips. Then a lecturer presents their coverage of a certain area. Last night Captain Charles Crue www.channeledgecharters.com presented on the area around the mouth of the Merrimack River on the Massachusetts coast between Newburyport and Salisbury MA. Captain Crue covered how the water depth is around the Merrimack River, Joppa Flats, Plum Island, and the Parker River. He told about areas where he tends to find striped bass, shad, and more. He was very interesting and informative.

Last week's was good; I will write more about that in a few days. I am looking forward to the next one in the series.