Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fantasy Fishing Though Winter Lectures

Over the winter on the border of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, a few of the fishing clubs organize fishing lectures with some local libraries. I usually attend the ones in Andover MA and Nashua NH. Now that March is almost here they are almost over for this year.

They are fantastic to go to because as you listen to what the presenters have to say you can fantasize what your next fishing season will be like. The lectures give you some super information on new fishing spots both for freshwater and saltwater. They explain some ways to fish bait or lures that maybe you have not tried yet. Different presentations can be on fly-fishing, bait-casting, or using a variety of artificial lures and leaders and rods & reels.

All of this gets you anticipating the warmer weather to anxiously get to cast out your line for the first time this season.

I do not know about you, but I can hardly wait to wet my line!